Terms & Condtions

Remote Support

Remote Support

Last updated: November 13, 2022

Remote Support Permission and Release Agreement

The client (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “your”) has requested that Grey Swan Designs (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Grey Swan Designs (Pty) Ltd”) remotely connect to your computer systems via the internet to assist with resolving a computer system problem. Due to the urgency of your request, Grey Swan Designs (Pty) Ltd has agreed to attempt to assist you by allowing a member of the Grey Swan Designs (Pty) Ltd support team to view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard, subject to your execution of this Remote Support Permission and Release Agreement (this “Agreement”).

From time to time, it is necessary for us to assist you remote to resolve certain computer issues such as email setup. At certain times will try to recreate the issue on our side with your expressed consent. Any personal information collected during such support sessions are treated as confidential and will not be shared with any other party outside of Grey Swan Designs (Pty) Ltd apart from with our ISP in the effort to resolve any issue reported to us.

You further expressly acknowledge that there is a possibility that Grey Swan Designs (Pty)Ltd ‘s efforts to solve your problems by remotely connecting to your computer systems may result in damage to your computer hardware, software and/or any related systems, including, without limitation, loss of data. We shall not be held responsible for any damage, and or loss of data whilst we are connected to your system.

During remote support session we will be able to see your screen and capture data from your screen to help resolve the reported issue. You will be able to see at all time our interaction with your system.

In consideration of Grey Swan Designs (Pty)Ltd deviating from its normal procedures and performing the requested services, you hereby waive and release any and all claims you may have or will ever have against Grey Swan Designs (Pty)Ltd and its employees, agents, affiliates, officers, and directors relating to or arising out of any damage or loss of any nature whatsoever that results, directly or indirectly, from Grey Swan Designs (Pty)Ltd remotely connecting to your computer systems as requested by you in this Agreement, as well as the recording of the sessions, including, without limitation, loss of data and damage to your computer hardware, software and/or any related systems.

You agree to defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless, Grey Swan Designs (Pty)Ltd and its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, and employees from any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees arising from or in any way relating to or arising out of any damage or loss of any nature whatsoever that results, directly or indirectly, from Grey Swan Designs (Pty)Ltd remotely connecting to your computer systems and/or recording the sessions as requested by you herein. You further agree not to record any portion of the remote assistance session, including but not limited to, captured screenshots occurring during such session.

The client hereby agrees to the set fee for such remote support via TeamViewer. Remote support is charged per hour or any part thereof. The set fee for remote assistance is R250 per hour or any part thereof. Given the nature of technical issues, and that they may reoccur in the future, we provide no refunds if any errors may reoccur and we need to provide remote support for repeated issues.

Remote support sessions are schedule with you at an available time for us, to assist you. We guarantee in no way that we will be able to assist you at the time of you reporting the issue.